Have you ever gotten a gift and thought it just wasn't your style and put it away, - out of sight, for years? Well that's what I did with a housewarming gift that I received over nine years ago. This soup tureen has been sitting in my kitchen cabinet collecting dust! Just take a look - what do you think?
I know some of you might like how this looks - especially for this time of the year with the acorns and leaves. But not me! This is just not my style! When I took it out of the cabinet to wash, hubby had the nerve to ask where it came from and how he liked it! He likes the color green and he said he liked the top, too. The top is cute with the inset leaves and acorns. But there's something about how it's painted, and that putrid green shade, along with the brown handles and trim that I truly dislike - yucky, yuck, yuck!
You must be wondering who gave me this and why am I writing about it since it was a housewarming gift and the person might find out how I really feel about it. Well, my hairdresser at the time gave it to me. A hairdresser is suppose to know their clients' style. I think she just re-gifted this to me. I know this is not her style, either. I stopped going to her shortly after I moved since I thought she was too far away to continue. I didn't like the over an hour drive. And besides, I had been thinking about giving her up since I stopped working and didn't need the extra expense of getting my hair done anymore. And then, she moved to Florida and we loss touch. So I think I'm safe!
You know the saying about what a coat of paint will do? It works wonders! And that's exactly what happened when I spray painted this tureen!
It's the perfect piece to show-off for a new group I recently joined called, 'Do It Over' Designers,' a group of talented bloggers who love to recycle/upcycle/DIY, hosted by Anne @The Apple Street Cottage. It's all about taking something old and/or unused and 'doing it over' into something new. Anything from fabric, old dishes, and decor to dressers and hutches. Items found in closets, barns, garages, yard sales, thrift stores, you name it! Sounds like fun, doesn't it!
The soup tureen went from this . . .

to this! With a few light layers of Rustoleum Universal White Gloss Paint & Primer spray paint!
And sealed with several more light layers of Rustoleum American Accent Gloss Clear sealant.
Pretty cool looking now, don't you think! And it's ready for decorative purposes only!
The power of white paint!
Now, classy and chic!
Quite an easy transformation to do!
Perfect for a fall flower arrangement centerpiece!
My kind of updating, for sure!
Be sure to check out all the 'Do It Over Designers' listed below to see their lovely "do overs" too!