Saturday, August 4, 2012

Elaine's Flower Arrangements

Everything old is new again.  I came across an article in the Washington Post about a young lady who has built a business around flower design parties. It has become so popular that her show will air in August on Washington's public television station, WETA. According to the article, the show will provide tips, tricks and techniques for making your very own floral arrangements. Reading the article brought to mind my mother-in-law, Elaine's obsession in making artificial flower arrangements over thirty years ago.  Do you remember when that was all the rage back then? Seems like everyone, at the time, was into it. We took classes, or gave classes, bought artificial flowers, tools and baskets and preceded to make some type of an arrangement, be it for the door or table. Aren't some of us doing that now?  Elaine was very talented. In addition to sewing (she made my wedding gown),  she knitted, crocheted, upholstered furniture, dabbled in clay, and sketched.  After she retired, she painted . . . mostly oil and acrylic pieces.  Her basement was filled with all types of supplies for her projects.  She amazed us all.  She would create flower arrangements and then paint them on canvas.  Her walls in the lower level of her home were covered with her lovely framed paintings. I'm sharing a few of the pictures I have of her arrangements.  Sorry about the blurry photos.  In another blog, I'll share pictures of her artwork, some of which I have hanging in my home.  What's new is making floral arrangements out of both real and artificial flowers, blogging about it and pinning it on Pinterest.  Elaine would have loved doing this!


PS:  Sadly, Elaine died a few years ago after a ten year struggle and journey with Alzheimer's.  She was my mother-in-law and a very dear friend.


  1. My mother-in-law must have been a part of that initial fad because she really has a knack for it! I stink at it!

  2. Nice tribute to your mother-in-law, Gail.

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