And a chair at Target, also called "Plum"
I quickly order two chairs and was very pleased when they finally arrived. I kept thinking if the fabric I saw really matched the fabric in the Target chairs. I was able to order a sample online and sure enough it turned out to be the same material. WHAT A FIND!!! But to me, quite EXPENSIVE at $38.00 a yard.
I didn't know what I would do with the fabric, except make pillows. I eventually found a store called Heritage Fabrics that had a "sale" offering the Duralee Plum for $28.00 a yard. This was a great price and I ordered four yards - just in case I thought of something else to make out of the fabric.
I'm not going to give a tutorial on how to make pillows. You can easily find many, like I did. I made the quickest pillows I could - just sewing three sides. No zippers, no welting,etc. - just plain pillows.
You can see the TARGET CHAIRS in the center of the bay window.
And, I think the pillows turned out really GREAT!!!
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