Monday, April 1, 2019

Rope Wrapped Bunny DIY

While looking through the Hub's stuff for sandpaper I came across a familiar item - clothesline rope. Boy, did this bring back memories! How many of you hung laundry out to dry on clothesline back in the day?
 Hated it!!!
One of the benefits of this "torture" I mean, chore, was the "fresh air smell!" Nope, not for me! Too much work!
Anyway, forgive me, I digress!
Of course I saw a craft project in the works when I saw the rope! But what kind? Wrapped eggs or bowls.  Twine wrapped eggs are quite popular this time of year, but rope is really too thick for that! And I've made a rope bowl before. 

But what about a bunny? How cool would that be!

In addition to the above items, you will need: 
Hot glue 
 Fabri-Tac glue
2.5" Ribbon
Animal eyes
White fabric floral stem wire
Pink felt
Hot wire foam cutter tool (Proxxon) or craft knife
Silicone finger protectors (optional)

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Let's begin by placing a dab of hot glue in the center of the bottom of a 6" smoothfoam egg (body), and after squeezing the tip of the rope end together, place down on the glue and begin swirling the rope around in a circle.
Continue wrapping the rope around the egg shape, adding glue periodically down along the rope.
Using hot glue is the quickest way to hold the rope but it can burn your fingers quite easily - oozing up between, so I switched to Fabri-Tac fabric glue to hold the rope in place for the body. It's a quick grab glue, drying in a few minutes.
 Continue wrapping the rope around near the top end, leaving an opening to hot glue a smoothfoam ball (head) on.
After the head is glued onto the body, continue wrapping the rope around adding glue periodically until reaching the top. Secure the rope in the center with more glue,  cutting off the excess.  
To make the bunny ears and arms: Draw and cut out the patterns on cardboard.  Paint all of the pieces white on both sides.  
The original rope size was a bit too thick to wrap the ears and arms, so I unraveled the rope at the end to reveal a thinner piece inside. It was easier to push the outer rope layer away together .  .  .
to wrap both ears with the thinner size using hot glue!
Next, cut ribbon mimicking a smaller ear shape and glue in place for the inner ears.
Next, hot glue the ears onto the head, holding in place for a few minutes until dry!
Then, wrap the arms with the thinner inside rope, being careful not to burn your fingers near the ends.
Hot glue on the arms, curving them 
around the body.
For the bunny feet, I had a time trying to cut the foam egg in half down the middle with a knife. I ended up using my Proxxon hot wire tool to make the perfect cut!
Next, wrap both pieces using the inner rope, once again.
Glue the two feet together at the top sides (slightly spreading apart)  .  .  .
before gluing the bunny body on top.
Next, glue on the animal eyes, heart shape mouth (felt) and whiskers (floral stems).
And finally, glue on a matching ribbon bow tie and of course, a carrot to complete the look!
How cute is this!

Thanks for stopping by
and take a little time to enjoy,
Happy Crafting!


  1. Que bonito y simpático conejo. Me gusta mucho¡¡

  2. You did excellent work here Gail. I could not imagine this is made by you!!!

  3. Te ha quedado un conejo de Pascua bellísimo y muy alegre !!!!!!!!!

  4. So adorable Gail! This will be one of my features for the Welcome Spring Link Party this Thursday!


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