Monday, May 18, 2020

Decoupage Coffee Creamer Vase DIY

I am a collector of all kinds of bottles, cans and containers. When I laid my eyes on this coffee creamer bottle, I knew exactly what I would do with it after I finished drinking what was in it, lol - the bottle was the perfect shape for a vase.  
Even more so when the label was removed .  .  .
and then the neck, using a hot knife. Thought using the hot knife would leave a clean edge.
But I was wrong. it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. Had to file the opening to remove some plastic jagged edges.
Then sponged painted the bottle using chalk paint and let dry! A couple of coats gave it a nice finish. Did you know chalk paint and paint made for plastics is the only kind that will adhere to plastics? Acrylic paint will come right off!
I found a pretty napkin to use to decoupage the bottle. The flowers are nice and big and easy to tear out!
But first, paint on a generous amount of Mod Podge where you want to place the napkin design. Remove all the white ply layers from the printed side .  .  .
and gently lay the printed layer down on top of the mod podge.
Use plastic cling wrap to smooth out any wrinkles.
Once dry, apply more mod podge to seal.
Add additional napkin flower designs to complete the look around the vase, applying as before.

And be sure to cover up the opening edges with flower napkin designs and mod podge.
Once dry, use a nail file to remove any dry napkin overhand - filing down and inward to remove.
Would you believe I had faux flowers that mimic the purple ones in the napkin! How cool is that!
This coffee creamer makeover is perfect for this month's Craft Room Destash Challenge! I had everything I needed in my stash! 

The challenge is held on the third Monday of the month where a group of bloggers are challenged by C'mon Get Crafty to create a new craft or project from their own stash of goodies! Everyone is allowed a $10 allowance for necessities to complete their project (i.e. paint brushes, glue, etc), but the bulk of it must be created from their own stash of goodies. 

And because of what's going on in the world now, most of us are using whatever we have in our stash for our craft projects these days.

Let's meet this month's bloggers!!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. You always have such pretty decoupage ideas, Gail. This is a great way to upcycle that bottle.

  2. This turned out so lovely Gail - great job as always friend. Thank you so much for sharing and fun joining you in this destash.

    1. Thanks so much, Chas! I hope we can continue! I love the destash idea!

  3. I love to decoupage and didn't know about the plastic wrap tip, thanks Gayle! Your vase turned out so cool, I would had never guessed it was a coffee creamer bottle!

  4. Isn't decoupage fun? I never know how my projects will actually turn out. I've had a lot of hits and misses! Lol!

  5. Your vase turned out beautifully! The plastic wrap is a great tip - I've tried using my fingers before and ended up ripping my design!

  6. I saw this at the Our Home Away From Home link party. This is soooo pretty! I love it! You've inspired me to make a similar vase!
