Thursday, April 30, 2020

Whimsical Candle Holders Update

It's that time again for the monthly Thrift Store Upcycle Challenge, where a group of creative bloggers come together to share their lovely transformations of a thrift store item. Who doesn't love thrift store upcycle projects - whether it's actually creating one or admiring how an item from a thrift store was transformed!

The Rules:

  • Upcycle an item(s) from a thrift store, resale store, or garage sale into a new piece of decor.
  • There's no monthly theme.
  • There's no budget to stick to.

I've had this pair of candleholders I got from Goodwill for sometime now.  
They were only a dollar a piece so I couldn't pass them up. However, they've been hidden away, sitting on a cluttered shelf and I basically forgot about them until I went looking through my thrift store items for something to re-make! Maybe I should have left them on the self - I never really liked the candleholders - don't ask me why! Perhaps it's because they're chunky and plain and don't really seem decorative enough! But things are quite restricted now because of the covid virus and I can't go thrift store shopping or craft store shopping, either. And to make matters worst, it's been rainy and cold what seems like for weeks now, so no outdoor spray painting for me! 
That doesn't leave me with too much I can do with the candleholders except decoupage them! Ok, then!

Well, that didn't exactly work out the way I thought it would! After cutting out strips of napkin paper to decoupage .  .  .
around the middle area, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't eliminate all the wrinkles for the napkin to lay flat and look nice and smooth! Yuck! 
So plan #2:  Cut out the harlequin type designs in strips of colorful purples .  .  .
and decoupage them onto the body of the candleholders for a fun, 
whimsical look!

How's this for whimsical?
Oh, and to take this whimsy look to the next level, glue the harlequin type design onto candles for a matching effect! Lol!
Want to hear the best part about this update - if I get tired of looking at these, just soak in water to remove! You bet!

And now for more thrifty goodness!
Check out what my fellow upcyclers created below!

 Beverly | Across the Blvd 
Kathleen | Our Hopeful Home  

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!


  1. These are so fun Gail! Love the color, idea, and so perfect for spring and summer. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great idea, Gail! You made the candlesticks so cute and even made the candles match!

  3. These are so fun, Gail. It's great that your second plan worked so well.

  4. A grandes males, grandes remedios y supiste arreglar muy bien la situación. Siempre llego tarde a la fiesta de enlaces. ¿que días son?

  5. What a cute idea! The tops of the candle holders remind me of a castle and with the harlequin styled cutouts it all goes together nicely!

  6. What a great solution and outcome! And the fact that you can change it out later -- perfect! xo Kathleen

  7. These are so pretty! I love the harlequin design!

  8. while your first planned did not work for you so glad you stayed with it love the end results
    come see us at

  9. Any harlequin would be proud to have these in their home Gail. I think they're so pretty and would probably have give up completely when those first wrinkles started appearing :D
