Monday, May 20, 2019

Copper Foil Taped Glass

Imagine my surprise to see copper foil tape crafts in the latest June edition of Martha Stewart LIVING magazine! Wow!

I knew hubby had some copper foil tape in his workshop so I stole, I mean, borrowed some (what's his, is mine, lol!) for a quick De-stash Challenge DIY!

This fun technique is such an easy way to enhance the look and give plain glass vases or containers a pretty makeover using copper foil tape. And the best part, you just need various widths of copper foil adhesive tape and scissors to create one of a kind designs on glass!

To begin, decide the type of decorative pattern you want to do and measure the length of each tape where you want to put it on the glass and cut.   

For this glass container, I measured around the bottom of the glass and then cut that piece out. Next, I separated the copper foil from the backing just a little bit and pressed the end down on where I wanted to start and began wrapping the foil around while removing the backing, until reaching the beginning tape end. Smooth out the tape using the tip of your fingers. The adhesive tape is  fragile and will wrinkle and tear if you keep lifting it up to straighten or stretching it too much. If that happens, just remove and start over with a new strip.
 Continue adding various widths of copper foil to create a chic looking design!
Unfortunately, you can't avoid getting some wrinkles in the tape, but using a bone folder really helps to smooth them out! 

Have fun making different foil tape designs and patterns. I used a floral craft punch to make these adorable copper flowers!
It's amazing what can be created from ones' stash!

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 I've joined a group of bloggers who are challenged each month by Megan @C'mon Get Crafty to create a new craft or project from their own stash of goodies! Everyone is allowed a $10 allowance for necessities to complete their project (i.e. paint brushes, glue, etc), but the bulk of it must be created from their own stash of goodies.

Let's meet this month's bloggers!!

 What crafty creations could you make today from YOUR stash? Check out these awesome creations you might be able to make from your own stash! 

If you'd like to join in the Craft Room De-Stash Challenge, you can request to join our Facebook group here!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. What a great way to transform plain vases. I especially love the flower one.

  2. Well, I sure wish I was picking the features for HG this week! ;-) Make sure to link this up again next week at Tuesday Turn About! We'll start at 5pm CST! ;-) I love this, Gail... but, a sense a lack of a certain color! LOL!

  3. What perfection in your stripes! They are all beautiful but my favorite is the one with the flowers!

  4. I second your opinion! It's amazing what we all can do with a little creativity and our craft stash. I just bought a gazillion craft punches even though I only needed just one specific Motiv. My friends daughter and I DIYed her communion candle and we needed dandelion seeds. So I guess I could put those other punches to use and create pretty vases like you did. Only thing...I don't have copper foil. Will Need to see where I can get that from.

  5. The copper foil is so pretty. I really like this project and definitely pinned this one.
