Saturday, September 25, 2021

Accent Tin Can Using Ribbon

Are you like me and hate to throw cans and bottles out? I have bags and bags of all types of containers just waiting to be upcycled into something creative! The ongoing question around my house is, "do you want to save this?" Well of course I do! Lol! They can certainly come in handy when I need to make a special craft for a blog hop like 'Do It Over Designers!' 

'Do It Over' Designers is a group of talented bloggers who love to recycle/upcycle/DIY, hosted by Anne @The Apple Street Cottage. It happens the 4th Saturday of every other month and it's all about taking something old and/or unused and 'doing it over' into something new. Anything from fabric, old dishes, and decor to dressers and hutches. Items found in closets, cabinets, barns, garages, yard sales, thrift stores, you name it!

I have lots of tin cans in my stash. Crafters like me know they are a valuable craft supply item! There are so many ways to create something using tin cans. And anything  woven is quite popular right now - checks, plaids, and stripes - you name it - it's on trend! And if you have lots of ribbon like I do, weaving ribbon on a tin can is a fun crafty project to do - especially in these times where we are confined at home because of the pandemic. Imagine all the possibilities of what you can do with a decorated tin can as an accent piece!

Materials Needed:
Tin Can
Ribbon - (2) 7/8"
Measuring Tape/pencil
Hot Glue 
Let's get started by measuring the height of the can with a strip of ribbon and cut a length with a little bit of overhang.  Begin by placing ribbon strip over the edge around the bottom rim of can (upside down) and glue in place with hot glue. Cut out additional strips using the first one as a guide.  
For this can, I cut 16 strips of ribbon and glued them down over the edge on the bottom.
Once all of the vertical ribbons are attached,  measure around the circumference of the can to get the length of ribbon needed to weave and cut a strip of ribbon.  Place strip on can going from top rim to bottom rim to determine the number of strips needed and cut out using the length of the first strip as a guide.  I needed 6 strips for this. 
 Then, take a horizontal ribbon strip and place the edge right next to the inside rim and glue in place. 
Begin by weaving over and under the vertical strips as you wrap the horizontal ribbon around the can.  
The wrapped horizontal woven ribbon should end at the place where you began. Glue ends in place.

Straighten and adjust the ribbon by pulling down the strips.  
Continue adding and gluing horizontal strips on, alternating and weaving over and under .  .  .

until reaching the top rim, and gluing in place.

Cut off excess ribbon at the rim - gluing in place at edge when needed.

To cover the bottom of the can, place the can bottom on a piece of cardstock - roughly 6"x6" - drawing a circle around the can with a pencil. Then glue on strips of ribbon .  .  .
along the edge of the cardstock.
Then cut out several strips of the second ribbon and begin weaving over and under over the cardstock circle.
Gently lift up the woven ribbon, adding glue to the cardstock paper and smoothing the ribbon down.
Then cut the woven circle out and .  .  .
and glue in place on bottom of can and you're done!
Doesn't this look cool as a vase to show off ornamental grasses! 

Be sure to check out all the 'Do It Over Designers' listed below to see their lovely "do overs" too! 

Little Vintage Cottage

Modern on Monticello

Pandora’s Box

Purple Hues & Me

Unique Creations by Anita

My Hubbard Home

The Apple Street Cottage

Birdz of a Feather

Exquisitely Unremarkable


  1. Gran trabajo que refleja la paciencia y pulcritud que tienes al realizar todas tus creaciones.
    Buen fin de semana

  2. What a great idea! I can imagine using this idea at Christmas and filling the can with cookies or candies for a friend! The ideas are endless! Very clever!

    1. Thanks so much, Patti! I know, right! So many possibilities!

  3. That's a super unique upcycle, Gail. I love it! I think I'm going to take Patti's advice and use it for the holidays. I have a bunch of canisters that I didn't know what to do with and now I do! Thanks!!

  4. Wow Gail; I love this SO much. I once braided ribbon for a bridal gown but never thought to use it in home decor; it's getting the wheels spinning :)

  5. This is such a beautiful way to upcycle a can, Gail. Now I'm motivated to get into that box labeled, 'ribbon' to see what I have to remake this idea! Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Absolutely beautiful Gail! The colors and weaved textures are a clever use of ribbon. I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before.

  7. You always come up with the best ideas, Gail. I knew this was yours with the MC inspiration and of course the color. Great idea for recycling a trash tin can into a treasure vase!

  8. I love this idea and you can create so many different looks by using different types of ribbon.

  9. I love this idea. I have cans in my closet. I'm thinking I may do something like this.


  10. You did an amazing job Gail, I would never have thought it started off as a plain tin. The textures and the colours you used look so good together.

  11. I can never think of how to recycle tin cans into something so pretty and you made it look so easy. Beautiful project. So glad you shared it

  12. What a great idea! Thank you for sharing on Happiness is Homemade at! I'd love for you to come by and share on my other link parties as well, Traffic Jam Weekend (open now!) and You're the Star Blog Hop. I tend to choose crafts & home decor as my features so I'd love to flood Traffic Jam Weekend with more posts like these. I am choosing the features for Happiness is Homemade for the month of October, so this is my first time visiting your blog. I'll be back to check out more, and I would love to have you over at Life as a LEO Wife as well. Have a blessed weeked!
