Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Seed Beads & Ribbon Easter Egg Decorating

This is an update to a post from a few years ago.
While looking through my stash of seed beads for a color close to purple, I came across a huge bag of clear crystal filler beads used to make faux icicles. I wondered what would happen if I applied drops of alcohol ink to the little crystals.  And I soon found out!
By adding several drops of plum alcohol ink . . .
and shaking the container until the color was blended. 
Look what happen:
Aren't they pretty!!!!

Then I took a paper mache egg . . .

and painted it pink.
Sprinkled on some glitter and then spread silicone adhesive over the egg and added the pretty color crystals. 
This photo doesn't show how lovely the crystals really are on the eggAnd then I thought how gorgeous the egg would look if I added a bow to the top .  .  .
So I got out my Bowdabra  and made a very fluffy bow!

And glued it to the top .  .  .
Then I found a stand that's really for hanging bananas -
but I didn't care!
I tied the bow ribbon on .  .  .

and wow!  Take a look!


  1. Hi Gail, that is a beautiful egg, even if you say last minute. Love the stand too. Happy Easter.

  2. So pretty! I realize how big the egg is when you hung it from the banana holder. What a unique idea Gail. The alcohol ink on the beads is genius. Happy Easter!

  3. Very pretty Gail. And you were able to use up all of your little icicles plastics. The bow on the top is a real show stopper! Happy Easter!

  4. Wow another fantastic gem you've created! Love how the crystals turned out and how you applied them to the glittery egg! That Bowdabra she is a handy bow maker! The banana stand was a perfect choice to display it too!

  5. You made and decorated such a pretty egg Gail and perfect for Easter. You come up with some really nice crafts!

  6. Es bellĂ­simo ,me gusta mucho el color!!!!!!!!!! que ingeniosa eres .

  7. Gail, you have a knack for creating beautiful crafts. A lovely egg with glitter, my favorite.
