Friday, January 18, 2019

Sweet Inspiration Link Party #140

Welcome to our #140 Sweet Inspiration Party!

Happy Friday, everyone! Changes are in store for the party! It's a bittersweet day for some of us. This will be the last day for Mary, Christina and myself. We are off on new adventures and journeys! We've enjoyed being your co-hosts for this wonderful party. Mary has been here from the beginning and Christina not far behind. I've only been hosting for a short time but I've been linking my projects from the very start and I'll continue to do so! Don't worry though, we are leaving the party in very capable hands with Amy @ Health Home and Heart. Amy will be joined by Eileen @ Just Measuring Up and Lidia @ Design Inside the Box.  I hope that you will support these ladies as much as you have supported us! As an extra special send-off, each host has selected two of their favorites this week!  

Please remember that the party starts at 7 am EST or 11 am GMT and runs until Tuesday. By joining every week you will be able to grow your blog and gather inspiration from so many others who link up to the party.  

 Please keep in mind that linking up with stock photography or using photos without express permission by the photo owner is not allowed. Links of stock photography or photos that are not owned by you and Link Parties will be removed without notification.

And now for our Features:

Salmon croquettes. So easy to make them and they look delicious and crispy. Full recipe from Tracie at Somewhat Awry

This is by far my favorite edition for falafel. I've never seen a recipe like this before so I'm going to give it a try the soonest possible. You can find the recipe from Jas at All Thats Jas

I loved seeing all of the different paints and techniques that Vicki from Entri Ways used over the past year. She has done some fantastic projects the past year, and I'll definitely be trying some of her techniques in the future. 

I'm in love with this winterberry fur wreath from Beverly and Gloria over at Across the Boulevard. It's just perfect for winter, and I think one of these would look perfect with my decor. 

We all have problems hiding those unsightly, awkward containers in our laundry room and Ann @ The Apple Street Cottage shares her easy, and beautiful solution!

I was amazed how Kimberly @ DIY Party Mom helped arranged her parents 50th Anniversary Party. Thinking of my own 50th this year, this celebration was truly gorgeous!

I was smitten with this coat that Laurie of Vanity and Me shared with us. I can just dive right into it what with the weather being so horrid these days. I love that blue color and also the fact that it is not heavy. Winter you can stay as long as you want if I get to look as stylish as Laurie!

Lately I have been getting up early while everyone is still asleep and I marvel at all I get done in the morning. And with a smile on my face! Candice of She's Crafty has a great routine for the morning and I am going to follow some of her suggestions too.

Our most popular post is from Michelle @A Crafty Mix! It was by far the most interesting post we've had! Michelle shares a tutorial on how to make a fur baby pool ramp for one of her fur babies, Eeeee Deeeee, whose loves to swim but has legs too short for her to get out of the pool. What a cutie pie! Check out how you can make a pool ramp for your fur baby,too!

If you were featured, proudly display this button on your site! Congratulations!

Party Rules
  • It would be appreciated if you follow us on at least one social media.
  • No link back to our blogs required but it would be appreciated. We have our buttons as “nofollow” links so not to upset SEO.
  • You can link up to 3 posts, DIY’s, Home décor, Crafts, Recipes, anything family friendly goes!
  • Yes, you can link up posts with Affiliate links.
  • Please link up your own work, no ads.
  • Linking gives us permission to share a credited photo on our social media accounts.
  • If you wish to pin the features please do so by going to the original post.
  • No repeat linking up. Otherwise, it will be removed. Click the button to link up below! Get inspired, have fun & share!!!


By submitting a link to the Sweet Inspiration Link Party you are giving the party hosts permission to feature your link/post on our blogs, social media and future round up posts. This includes images from the linked post as well as linking to your social media accounts. All Sweet Inspiration Link Party co-hosts respect you and your work; everything will be properly linked back to you and credit given.


  1. Sorry to see you leave the party, Gail. You will be missed! But this isn't goodbye because I look forward to following all your creative adventures here on the blog.

  2. Thank you so much for the feature, Gail and best of luck to you in all of your new adventures!

  3. Gail it was an honor having such a creative lady such as yourself hosting the party with us. Thank you and I wish you all the best in the future.

  4. Sad that you will no longer be hosting but i understand...Will still look forward to your posts!!

  5. I'm sad that you'll no longer be hosting the SI party Gail. It was really fun getting to know you these last few months. I'll still be popping in to see what you've been making though. I love your crafts.

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  7. Join us on this enchanting journey as we dive into the realm of mushrooms, unlocking the wonders and mysteries that lie beneath the forest floor. Let us inspire you to embrace the awe-inspiring beauty and boundless potential of these remarkable organisms. Welcome to our world of shrooms!
