Thursday, December 1, 2016

Glitter Ribbon Snowflake Ornament DIY

Ribbon is so abundant, inexpensive and a great accessory in decorating.  You can make just about anything for the holidays using ribbon.  Like a snowflake ornament for your Christmas tree!

With just a few strips of ribbon, some folds and round filler embellishments, secured with hot glue, you're on your way to creating this adorable ribbon snowflake ornament.  And since you see mostly decorative ribbon edges, how about adding some glitter for an eye-popping adorable showpiece!
Here's how:
Cut five - 2" pieces of ribbon.

Make a loop for each strip and seal ends together with a bit of glue.
Glue two loops together for two pairs + one loop.
Glue the one loop between the two loops.
And then glue the three glued loops between the two glued loops for what I'll call a snowflake loop arm!
Repeat the steps, making five more for a total of six loopy snowflake arms.

Next, cut six - 12" pieces of ribbon.
Fold each piece in half, gluing together. 
Fold the glued piece in half again, creasing the fold, making sure the ribbon is straight.  Add a bit of glue, a half inch from fold and seal.

Place a decorative filler ball in center, gluing one side of ball and close. Add a bit of glue to other side of ball and seal.

Add a bit of glue 1/2" from edge of ribbon and seal, as pictured.
Repeat for the five remaining strips for six, straight snowflake arms.

To assemble the snowflake:  Cut out a quarter size circle from cardstock or felt and glue on a loopy snowflake arm.

Next, add a straight snowflake arm and continue alternating around in a clockwise pattern .  .  .

until the snowflake if formed.  Glue on a ribbon hanger in back.
Looking at the finished snowflake, you really don't see the beauty of the glittered ribbon - just the edges, so I painted mod podge all over the edges and sprinkled on glitter to enhance the snowflake and let dry.  It's so much better!

Here's a video for the tutorial.
Take a little time to enjoy


Happy Holiday Crafting!


  1. Magnifico trabajo y muy bien las fotos con todos los pasos.

  2. Sounds easy enough. Love how it turned out!
    Thanks for sharing the how to!

  3. Beautiful Gail. You always amaze me with your skill and patience. The snowflakes are so pretty and fit perfectly with my theme this year. Have you done a video yet?

  4. It's so simple once you break it down step by step like this. Thanks.
    What kind of glue do you use? would a pva be suitable?

  5. That last step really puts it over the top, gorgeous. Thanks for linking up to Funtastic Friday.

  6. What a sweet ornament. Thank you for sharing at Dishing it and Digging it link party. We love having you.

  7. So beautiful! I love these! Pinned.
