Monday, February 4, 2013

Pier1 Dragonfly Hack


Lessons from a Dragonfly                                                           
A dragonfly accepts it’s brevity of life
With its gossamer wings feeling the breeze
Full of freedom it watches our joy and our strife
Its wisdom learned flitting from water to air to trees
With wings that shimmer showing purpose and duty
Obedient to all of life’s changes in flight
Modestly it shows us its outer beauty
Always gracious, mindful and full of delight
So whether what life gives you is good, bad, or sad
Show others that inner beauty counts and matters
Make your actions amount to many smiles and be glad
For the dragonfly knows it lives a brief life this way
So I learn from this creature to live wisely each day
And make every minute special to those that you love
As the dragonfly watches our actions from above

~Ruth O'Neill

Dragonflies hold a special meaning to me, so when we were all "challenged" by Sunny of Life in Rehab to "hack" selected items from her recent PierOne visit, I jumped at the chance to recreate one of my favorite insects, the dragonfly, or should I say, the beginning of a dragonfly.

This is one of the items Sunny saw during her prowling.
Caterpillar Dragonfly - Pier One

It's a tiny little thing no longer than 3 1/2 inches.  Actually, it's an ornament. Ha! An Easter ornament - are we done with Valentines yet?  Anyway, how could I resist the challenge?  I already had everything I needed:

I just had to rework a few things, like .  .  .  making him bigger by

Gluing the balls together and painting them green .  .  .

Adding some glitter to make him sparkle.

Cutting out wings from posterboard .  .  .

And adding some bling to make them twinkle!

Can't forget the antennae .  .  .

All dressed up .  .  .

                        Oh my, the eyes  .  .   .  with a nice little smile!

I think he's ready  .  .  .

To take flight!

 What do ya think?

            CUTE!  VERY CUTE!!!

Take a little time to enjoy!


  1. Your dragonfly is absolutely adorable Gail! I'm always amazed at how brilliantly you recreate things. You are one talented lady!! This is just fabulous!

  2. Love your cute dragonfly. Blue-green and lime are a favorite decor color combo of mine.

  3. I think your dragonfly is super cute! Well done.

  4. Gail, you are a master hacker! :) That is so cute!

  5. Gail I love this! So cute and so summery! Love the poem too! You are live at the Inspiration Cafe today.

  6. I love that sweet dragonfly! Isn't it fun to hack?

  7. The silver balls turned lime green, are they small styrofoam?


  8. so totally adorable and so fun to make! i could see adding this little pier1 dragonfly to my indoor plants, maybe on the curtain in the craft room, maybe all over in different colors!

  9. Gail, The dragonfly is adorable! I agree with Millie, I could see this little guy sticking around for a while, living the life in my plants :)

  10. How cute! I loved seeing the process of how you made this little guy.

  11. That beautiful dragonfly would look good sitting on the corner of my large screen on my desk. How cute you made it.

  12. I love your dragonfly! It's awesome.

  13. You did a great job recreating this Pier 1 piece, and it is adorable! And the challenge to hack a store find sounds like such fun -- if anyone could pull it off, it would be you! :)
