Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Top Posts

Happy New Year Everyone!!! 

I said to myself I wouldn't do my most viewed posts in 2012.  But how could I not?  The blogging community has been very good to me!  I've met so many wonderful, creative, inspiring and supportive people through blogging. It has truly changed my life. I didn't know what I could do and my interactions through blogging brought out what I think the best in me:

        #1            Poinsettia Tree Skirt had nearly 9500 views .  .  . which is quite amazing to me!

#2     Dollar Tree Christmas Glitter Tree What a surprise - not my best work I must say

#3     Beaded Pumpkin Harvest Ornament  Loved making this!

#4  Ribbon Angel Ornament Making this was very special for me .  .  .

 #5  Family Jewelry Christmas Tree My favorite .   .   .  a keepsake!

#6  Red Felt Christmas Trees Loved the cuteness and ease .  .   .
#7  Dollar Tree OrnamentVery whimsical and cheap  .   .   .

#8  Decorating the Mantel for Fall Astonished at the number of views on this one  .  .   .

#9  Starfish Bowl The response on this became the beginning of my appreciativeness in so many ways .   .   .
#10  Dollar Store Crafting Part Three This was created on a whim to make something out of deco mesh  .   .   . who knew?

Thanks so much for your interests, comments, inspirations, friendships and most of all for following me in my journey to create.  2012 was an amazing year for me with you in the blogging community!

I look forward to 2013, and know it will be an amazing year for inspiration and fellowship!!!

Best Wishes for the New Year,


  1. Hi Gail! I told myself the same thing, but I did a post anyway. It's fun to look back. That poinsettia tree skirt still blows me away, and I love the jewellery tree. Looking forward to seeing what you do in 2013.
    Tuula :)

  2. I'm glad you did a year in review... great posts! Happy New Year!

  3. Fabulous projects - and thanks for some great ideas!

  4. I think about how people shared their creations twenty years ago. The internet-blogging, et al-has brought together communities that would have had much more difficulty to connect and share just a short time ago.

  5. Lovely recap, Gail. You've been busy with some lovely projects. Thanks for sharing!
