Friday, July 27, 2012

Christmas in July

I love Christmas in July! It gives me time to jump start my ideas on planning for the next Christmas. Yvonne over at StoneGable featured a wonderful week-long blog about Christmas in July. I find all of her blogs so inspiring. This year, she's giving everyone a chance to post their past blogs on creative ideas for Christmas. I didn't have a blog last year, but I did take photos of Christmas in my new home that's located in a +55 community.  I was very excited about decorating and making new items to display. 

I've always wanted to make a Christmas Topiary. I had fun doing this and may have gotten a bit carried away. I wrapped white garland w/lights around a large styrofoam ball and decorated it with different shades of gold ornaments. I then stuck a rather large cut-off tree branch into the ball and secure it in a planter. You can see how I decorated the planter with additional garland, ribbon and ornaments.  I also decorated a white wreath for the door.  Both the door wreath and topiary lit up at night.

The parlor is the first room you see after entering my home. This tree looked so pretty at night. Naturally, its done in different shades of purple.

I had fun gluing sequins and adding ribbons to styrofoam balls (the two in the center)   .    .     .
And of course I had to decorate my reindeer in purple . . . . .

Continuing with the purple
theme in the 
great room. . . .

I made ribbon trees out of purple and gold ribbon . . 

                                  I love the way they turned out!
Can you tell I like purple?


In the great room, I decorated a white tree with different sizes of teardrop purple ornaments.  It was so festive!         Hope you enjoyed this . . .


  1. Carried away? Why? It looks fantastic! Xmas in your house must be very special, diggin' those deers :)

  2. Gail, Thanks for the kind shout-out! I love all the rich, royal pruples in your Christmas designs!

  3. And why not purple? My scheme is all aqua and lime! I think the unexpected is a lot more fun, and it's definitively YOU!

  4. Those decorations are so beautiful. Keep sharing! roof repair contractor
