Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cork Accent Piece

Today is such a cold and windy day outside - which is my kind of crafting day!  Some friends gave me a bag of wine corks so I decided to make an accent piece out of them. I already had styrofoam balls, glue gun and paint on hand, so this project was basically free and very easy to make.

After painting the ball a neutral shade and letting it dry,  I  glued on the corks starting in the center and then around the diameter.  The next row was glued on between the first row and continue in that pattern until  .  .  .

the ball was completely filled with corks.

Then I decided that I wanted a larger accent ball so I glued on more corks on top of the first corks:

This looks so much better!

Take a little time to enjoy
Happy Crafting!


  1. Cannot believe you have not had any comments on your cork ball!!! I think it's great!! Going to make my own and one each for my older kids stockings! Thanks for the idea...came over from Knock off Decor .... love your candlestick!!!
    Well done,
    Take care,
